OHCANN Membership
As the leading voice for Ohio’s cannabis industry, OHCANN recognizes our member’s investment in our emerging industry. We work together to strengthen our unified industry voice and assure your active and valued participation in the successful implementation of Ohio’s cannabis programs. We feature different types of memberships depending on licensees.
We seek to educate, advocate, and ensure a responsible and safe industry.

Membership Benefits
OHCANN Licensee Membership Benefits Include:

Eligible to attend OHCANN member meetings and join committees.

Access to daily news clips, newsletters, company name and logo featured on marketing material, social media, and website.

Eligible for Board seat or to be a committee chair.

Voting rights for electing board members and leadership positions.

Face Time
Face-to-face access to legislators at Lobby Day events.

Participate in regular meetings with state regulators at the Division of Cannabis Control.

Network with colleagues, legislators, and regulators at OHCANN receptions.

Face Time
Face-to-face access to legislators at Lobby Day events.

Participate in regular meetings with Commerce and Pharmacy.

Network with colleagues, legislators, and regulators at OHCANN receptions.
Take Action
Take an Active Role,
Join a Committee

OHCANN has two standing committees:
OHCANN’s Policy Committee drives the Association’s agenda for productive and meaningful changes to Ohio’s cannabis policy. With a focus on decreasing operational burdens, and increasing safe access, the Policy Committee is responsible for working with regulatory agencies and the legislature to achieve its goals.
The coalition’s Marketing/Education Committee is responsible for directing the organization’s public messaging and event schedule. The goal of this committee is to increase awareness and educate the public on the growth and successes of the program.
If you’re interested in joining a committee, please email us to get involved.
Our History
A leading voice for Ohio’s cannabis industry since 2017
OHCANN was originally established in 2017 as the National Cannabis Industry Association of Ohio (NCIAO) – an NCIA affiliate. In 2019 the association evolved to serve as the voice of Ohio’s growing medical marijuana industry by maintaining a focus on statewide issues impacting our members as Ohio Medical Cannabis Industry Association (OMCIA). OHCANN’s membership is composed of the owners and operators of Ohio’s premier Level 1 and Level 2 cultivators, processors, dispensaries, testing laboratories and ancillary members.